School of Computing, Newcastle University

Multidisciplinary Research 

Our oceans are at the frontline of climate change, absorbing 90% of the heat generated by rising emissions, threatening marine biodiversity, low lying coastal areas and the livelihood of millions. The more we can understand what’s happening in our oceans, the more we can do something about it.

Students at Newcastle University’s School of Computing are researching the use of computer innovation to monitor what happens in our oceans, developing new visual and audio technologies that will help scientists track the behaviour of marine mammals impacted by climate change.

Newcastle University’s School of Computing seeks to break down traditional barriers between technical and non-technical disciplines in order to create practical solutions that advance sustainability, proving there is no aspect of sustainable development that computer scientists cannot benefit.

About the School of Computing, Newcastle University

Newcastle University’s School of Computing undertakes innovative and exploratory computer science teaching and research.

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